1. A road over a great distance. I would take this picture using a small narrow aperature, and a moderate shutter speed depending on the lighting outside.
2. The corner of a step on a staircase. I would take this picture with an extremely wide aperature, so there would be a small depth of field. I would focus in on the lines leading to the corner of the stairs.
3. Barb wire fence. I would take this photograph looking down the barbed wire fence, and watching it disapear into the distance. I would use a small aperature, and a slow shutter speed so you would be able to see the fence off in the distance, yet still see the section of barbs that are right in front of you.
4. A spiral staircase. I would take this picture with a moderate aperature, that is a compramise between shallow and large depth of field. I would go up to the front staircase, and from the bottom step, look up at the whole staircase.
5. A tire sitting on the riverbank. I would take this pictureand aim for a shallow depth of field, but still be able to see the water rushing past in a blur.
6. lockers. I would take a picture looking down the lockers. I would use a small aperature to gt a greater depth of field.
7. Fencing. I would take a close up of the wires on a fence. I would look down them and use a pretty large aperature.
8. small creek. I would get into a position where the sun shines into the creek. I would use a small aperature.
9. lake sunset. I would take a pictureof the reflection of the sunset over a pond.
10. waterfall. I would take a picture of a waterfall. I would use a slow shutter speed, and
I would use a large depth of field, so Tte waterfall would be blurred.
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